
This is a list of all the brain teasers we have in our site. You can click the column headings to sort, or refine your search
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Five PiratesYou have five pirates, ranked from 5 to 1 in descending order. The top pirate has the right to propose how 100 gold coins should be divided among... more>>>4 shiney stars
Five Letter WordI am a five letter word and people eat me.  If you remove the first letter, I become an energy form. If you remove the... more>>>3.5 shiney stars
Every man in a village has cheated on his wifeEvery wife in the village instantly knows when a man other than her husband has cheated, but does not know when her own husband has. The... more>>>4 shiney stars
Egg timersHow can you measure 15 minutes using only a 7-minute egg timer and an 11-minute egg timer?... more>>>4 shiney stars
Does the water fall or rise... more>>>4 shiney stars
Do you see a young or old womanLook at the image below.  Do you see a young woman, or an old woman? ... more>>>4 shiney stars
Disappearing dotsStare at the black cross in the middle.  After 30 seconds or so, the pink circles will disappear completely... ... more>>>4 shiney stars
Crossing the riverA man has to get a fox, a chicken, and a sack of corn across a river. He has a rowboat, and it can only carry him and one other thing at a time.... more>>>3.5 shiney stars
Condemned murdererA murderer is condemned to death. He has to choose between three rooms.The first is full of raging fires, the second is full of assassins... more>>>4 shiney stars
Cities but no Houses... more>>>4 shiney stars
Circles... more>>>4 shiney stars
Cars... more>>>4 shiney stars
Calculator words461375 is an example of a Calculator word - type it into a calculator, rotate the screen and the word "SLEiGh" appears ... more>>>4 shiney stars
Boys and GirlsIn a country in which people only want boys, every family continues to have children until they have a boy. If they have a girl, they... more>>>4 shiney stars
Black, red and grey... more>>>4 shiney stars
Bat and BallCan you work out this question that stumped 50% of Harvard students?... more>>>3.5 shiney stars
Backpacks and catsThere are 7 girls in a busEach girl has 7 backpacksIn each backpack, there are 7 big cats .For every big... more>>>4 shiney stars
Apples and OrangesThere are 3 wooden crates. One labeled "Apples." One labeled " Oranges." One labeled "Apples & Oranges." They are all labeled... more>>>4 shiney stars
Animals going towards the river1 rabbit saw 6 elephants while going to the river. Every elephant saw 2 monkeys going towards... more>>>4 shiney stars
AnagramsIf 24 H in a D means 24 Hours in a Day, what do the rest of these mean? 26 L of the A 7 D of the W 7... more>>>3.5 shiney stars
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