The Pope has it but he does not use it.
Your father has it but your mother uses it.
Nuns do not need it.
Arnold Schwarzenegger has a big one,
Michael J. Fox’s is quite small.
What is it?
Scroll down for answer
A surname!
The Brain Teasers was formed in 2008 with the aim of providing a good collection of riddles, brain teasers and other challenging problems for you to solve!
i thot of a different answer....what about a guy's private part? lol- (28 Nov 2008)
last name
- michael banks (21 May 2009)
a last name!
- courtney (23 Jun 2009)
A surname
- tom (30 Jun 2009)
until the Michael J Fox part, A bank account fits well too!
- d (16 Dec 2009)
one day back in the eighth grade we had this riddle in our english class and almost every one of us literally thought it was a man's private part. haha. then finally someone told us it was a last name. hahaha
- hannah (29 Mar 2010)
I thought it was a car:
The Pope has one but he doesn't ever drive it. Someone else takes him around.
Dad buys the cars, and the mom drives them when he's at work :)
Nuns never drive anywhere, they stay in the missonaries.
Arnold has got an H-1 Hummer
And Michael J Fox has got a Hybrid, I'm sure
- Chris (30 Jun 2010)
i thought it was a mans private lol!
- rachyyyy (20 Jul 2011)
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